Southern Red Sea Itineraries
- Brothers Islands and Elphinstone Reef
- The Brother Islands
- Brothers Deadalus Elphinstone
- Deep South - St. Johns Reefs
- Great Island Tour
- North Wrecks
- South Safari
- Best of Red Sea
Route: BDE - Brothers Deadalus Elphinstone
The Brothers Islands, tops of two undersea mountains rising from the depth, are located about 50 N.M. offshore, at the height of the town of Queseir. A part of the Marine Park, they offer breath-taking underwater scenery, wall diving along their whole perimeter, and the possibility to spot a wide variety of pelagic. Their walls are covered in soft corals, creating a true feast for the eyes. Big tuna, shoals of jack fish and snappers cruise in the blue, accompanied by hammerheads, grey reef sharks, silver tip sharks, silky and oceanic white tip sharks and mantas.
The thresher shark, an oceanic species, very rarely spotted close to the reefs, circles the walls of the Brothers on a regular basis. The huge and spectacular moonfish can also be observed near the reefs. Nobody can ever get tired of diving the Brothers Islands.
Even wreck lovers get spoilt on the Brothers. The Aida II, an Egyptian supply vessel, and the Namibia, a cargo ship, lie on the walls of the Big Brother. They are covered in soft and hard corals, and are a real treat.
The Reef Elphinstone, a truly legendary reef, is one of the most beautiful reefs in the red sea, with its north and south plateau’s, and its walls covered in soft corals, black corals, wire corals and gogonians. Hammerheads, oceanic white tip sharks and grey reef sharks can also be spotted here on a regular basis.
The Daedalus Reef is a huge reef formation that lies at about 180 km south of Brother Islands. The reef is surrounded by a sheer wall all around, featuring a plateau in its southern side that goes from 30 m beside the reef to 40 m on the edge of the drop-off. If the weather is good, try to get as far north as possible and drift along one of the sides of the reef. Reef and hammerhead sharks are often spotted here. UW life is here more abundant than anywhere else, with schools of surgeons, fusiliers, carangids ...
Because of strong current and may be high waves it is not easy to dive at the Brother's. This safari is only for experience divers.
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