PADI Rescue Diver & Emergency First Response (EFR)
Duration: 2 - 4 Days This course is designed to expand your expertise on diver safety. It is the first time in your diver training that you begin to focus your attention on other divers. You learn how to assist other divers and how to prevent and handle diving accidents. During this course we will provide you with detailed academic presentations and in-depth training of Rescue Diving Techniques.
During the training sessions you practice the newly learned skills. Towards the end of the course you have the opportunity to apply your new skills by conducting rescues together with your course buddies during possible emergency scenarios. The Emergency First Response (EFR) is held conjunction with the Rescue Diver Course. The EFR Course is invaluable, giving you a better understanding on first aid, CPR, and oxygen procedures. It is essential to the Rescue Diver Course, making it complete, and making you a well trained and skilled rescuer. Although this course is serious, it is designed to be enjoyable.
During the course the following theory topics and water skills will be covered: Academic Self Rescue & Diver Stress, Diving First Aid, Emergency Management and Equipment Considerations. Water-Skills Swimming & Non-Swimming Assists, Panicked Diver Responses, Underwater Problems, Missing Diver Procedures, Surfacing the Unconscious Diver, In-Water Artificial Respiration, Equipment Removal during Artificial Respiration, Egress and First Aid for Diving Accidents. All Rescue Diver students at Red Sea Divers International have the opportunity to visit the local Recompression Chamber, also getting an insight in the treatment of diving emergencies. Prerequisites: - PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent. (Equivalent = Certification beyond entry level with at least 20 logged dives showing experience in Deep and Navigation).
- Prior to certification you must have completed a sanctioned course in First Aid and CPR within the last 2 years. (PADI Emergency First Response will meet this requirement).
- Minimum age: 12 years