PADI Dive Master Course
Duration: A minimum of 14 days up to 30 days The Dive Master rating is the first step on the professional career path. This course is designed to expand your diving knowledge and diving skills to a professional level. It will enable you to lead certified divers and assist with any training activities conducted by a PADI instructor. The instructor will also work with you to develop your personal diving skills to instructor level quality.
The course starts off with an orientation to the course and an overview of the scheduling. During this time you will get to know your way around the dive centre. You will complete some of the theory assignments, like The Role & Characteristics of a PADI DM, Supervising General Diving Activities, and Assisting with Student Divers in Training. This will enable you to actively take part during the courses conducted by your instructor, as part of your practical assignments. Over the next two weeks you will be busy assisting on various PADI courses and receive hands on training by experienced instructors.
During this time the rest of the academic topics, including the 'five theory topics' (Physics, Physiology & Decompression Theory, The Recreational Dive Planner (RDP), Equipment, and Skills & The Environment) will be covered. It is essential to have the PADI Dive Master Manual and 'The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving', along with the Encyclopedia Workbook to learn the theory for the Dive Master Course.
There are water skill requirements for the course, such as a 400 meter swim, 800 meter snorkel, 15 minute float test, 100 meter tired diver tow, diver rescue assessment, and underwater map making.
Once the basic training is over you will assist the instructor with diving activities to expand your knowledge on being a dive guide. You will be involved with all aspects of being a dive guide, from writing crew lists via check-in/out procedures, tank filling, to guiding small groups. At first you will be the main dive guide's shadow to learn the trade. You will then swap roles and, under the supervision of the instructor / dive guide, assume the role of the dive master of the boat. Finally you have the chance to be the second guide on the boat and be able to lead a group of divers independently.
Prerequisites: - PADI Advanced Open Water & Rescue Diver or Equivalent. (Equivalent is proof of certification in Rescue Dive training from another training agency and proof of CPR and first aid training). - Proof of 20 logged dives to begin training and a total of 60 logged dives to obtain certification. - As a future Dive Master you are required to have your own equipment. - Minimum age: 18 years. - Submit a medical examination - within the last 12 months - from a Physician stating fitness for diving. |